About Global Institute for Autism & Special Needs

About Our Institute

The Global Institute for Autism & Special Needs offers an ideal environment for children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other special needs to learn and grow.best replica watches siteIt is a school where students establish a strongwatches replica foundation to build a meaningful life.cheap omega replica

We provide full-day, Rolex submariner replica morning/evening sessions,replica watches year-round educational and vocational services for children and adolescents from preschool to age 22, rolex replica ukusing scientifically proved methods of treatment and teaching based on the latest clinical and applied research.

At the Global institute for Autism & Special Needs, we focus on building communication, social, behavioral, vocational, and academic skills. Working together with families to prepare for the transition to adulthood, and utilizing the considerable resources available to us, our caring professionals help each child to reach his or her highest potential.buy replica Rolex daytona 

Our Vision

To be the go –to organization in Pakistan that provides support for children, teens, and young adults with developmental disabilities along with their families as they navigate the challenges of school,work,and ultimately life as independent adult.

Our Mission

Bridging the gaps for individuals affected by developmental disabilities and bringing hope to their families through resources, direct services, guidance, and support.

  • Offer a verity of programs for children, teens and young adults with developmental disabilities to gain experience and skills in a safe place.
  • Host monthly support groups for parents of special needs children.
  • Increase awareness and understanding within the general population through advocacy and community partnerships.

Let us support these children and their families through the Guidance, Training, Rehabilitation, Organizations and Financial Aid or even with Small Prayers. Only then do we become truly a productive human and the best of creature.


Dr. Zafar Iqbal Mian  

Global School for Autism & Special Needs tries to pass along a tiny spark of love and humanity, to kindle the hopes and dreams of children with Special Needs.I felt the need for this spark very strongly when I painfully witnessed the cold and insensitive ways in which a special need child was being treated in public spaces as my loved one who was a special child and died at the age of 17 years. I have seen my family suffering the pain and agony.

Rumi’s Quote is indeed a great fact “Wound is the place where light enters you” since my loved one’s funeral I have decided to do something for those special need families.I quickly organized a survey in my neighborhood, only to find out that the number of special children was far more than what I expected and it was indeed a painful situation. There was neither governmental nor family support for them. Since 2002, I started working in the field of psychological and physical health.

These special Individuals have a natural order of things in them. I want these children to take enchantment in their own special excellence, which makes them different and unique. To enhance their potential, this is our duty that if anyone specially needs our help we should give him such help to best of our power. My main mission is to provide a safe and sound environment at ”Global Institute for Autism and Special Needs”, through video surveillance  I  ensure  that each and every child is being nurtured to their utmost potential in the safest and most loving environment provided by our passionate team of therapists and care givers. 

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